domingo, 31 de maio de 2009

Strawberry Love

pic credits: Sara Galvao, May 2009

He was kinda like always
Little boy's freckles
Not so perfect smile
Eyes algae grass sea
And I don't know why
I that danced on that eyes' grass
I that embraced the leaves and branches of that look
I that swam and held my breath not to hurt his iris
And when I came up to catch my breath and good cheer and love pomegranates apples
I found him wallowing
In the darkness of my eyes.

Sara C

terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2009

A bit of poetry from Halina Poswiatowska

Photo copyright:Demonmiss27, 'Lonely Rose', Deviantart

share with me
the daily bread of my loneliness
fill with your presence
the absent walls
the nonexistent window
be a door
above all a door
which can be thrown
wide open

segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2009

Some random things i've learned so far in London

1. Schneider lens!!!
2. The circle of confusion!!!
3. Kelly calculator!!!!
4. SD card!!!!